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  • Writer's pictureMonica Hemming

Crossing into the Promised Land

When Joshua and the children of Israel were on the brink of crossing the Jordan into the Promise Land, everything was about to change. Many times we ask and pray for change but when change is happening we shutter back into the things of old.

You see, their lives as they knew it, would never be the same. And just before the entire nation began this conquest, Joshua sent out officers into their midst repeating this message, "You have not passed this way before." (Joshua 3:4) This simple phrase gives me so much comfort as these days seem to evaporate ever so quickly and a new season slips closer.

I have been interceding and working with ladies on their personal journey with health, mindset, faith and goals now for 7 years. Each new client provides an opportunity to witness redemptions and challenge, for growth, and PRAISE. But yet as every Fall/Winter season draws near, I fret, and in some ways panic a bit. I start entertaining the questions:

"Have I directed everyone towards Jesus and not myself? Have I honored GOD with the hours of my day? Have I wasted any of the GIFTS GOD has given me"?

And then...I have the guilt for stressing over something that I should have figured out by now. But the truth is, each year is new ground, each day is new ground, each moment is NEW ground. You see my own personal needs and abilities have shifted and each new client brings a challenge and a blessing. I simply confess my worries, my distractions, my fears, and my sin to Jesus and thank GOD He forgives me! Sometimes I make this so complicated!

So today I'm inhaling and exhaling these words, "You have not passed this way before" and releasing the feeling of guilt and fear that I should know how to navigate this new season of life. I must remember that I have been created to be FULLY dependent on God, His Word, His Spirit, and His truth. He is not just my Savior but YES He is my LORD! The LORD of my EVERYDAY...EVERY season, EVERY challenge and EVERY change!

Maybe you can see change coming you're on the edge of it, like the Israelites waiting at the banks of the Jordan. Maybe you have been desperately praying for CHANGE. Or maybe everything has altered and shifted in your life in a matter of moments. Last month looks like a completely different LIFE than this month. Maybe so many things have become unrecognizable to you.

Please REST in this, "You have not passed this way before." We can walk with quite confidence into the future, because we know the ONE who guides our way, who stands outside our limited, linear timeframes, and is NOT alarmed by our circumstances.

What a mighty GOD we have!

You see, my confidence is not in my ability, my knowledge, personal experience and strength or even in the situation. It's in the ONE who walks me across my raging rivers and leads me through unknown and unfamilar paths.

Recently, while attending a trail race that required everyone on the team to run at least once in the pitch dark forest, there was this moment when I realized how DEPENDANT I was on my headlamp to light the way. In this moment I cried out to GOD, "Lord help me to always be so desperate for your presence, your light, your way, as I am right now for this headlamp. For I know around me there are unstable grounds, animals, and darkness, but you LORD are my shepherd and I fully trust in your abilities, your promises, and your presence in my life in all circumstance".

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10)

Be encouraged my friends,

Monica Hemming

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