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  • Writer's pictureMonica Hemming

Do you R.E.A.P?

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

So maybe you’re new to reading the Bible or just looking for a cleaver new tool to help you… either way, I think the REAP method of Bible Study is a fantastic way to dive a little deeper into the Word of GOD.

I recently learned about this Bible study method and just knew that someone could really use this in their life starting TODAY!

I know several churches and Christian leaders/authors/speakers endorse this method and by no means am I clever enough to think of this on my own...but I do LOVE to share what works for me! What is REAP and why should you do it?

REAP stands for Read, Examine, Apply, Pray. It’s a way to help you process what you’re reading. How do you REAP? I believe that we should always say a little prayer first.

After all it’s God who reveals Himself to us so ask Him to speak to you. READ and reread the passage with open ears, eyes to see and a open heart for HIS truth, asking the Holy Spirit to give you words of encouragement, direction, and correction

(2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness”).

Underline or highlight a word or phrase that seems important and that God is using to speak to you or directly into your current circumstances. Next, EXAMINE.

Spend some time

(key word...TIME...this takes block out TIME to do this good work) reflecting and writing about what you’ve read.

Write down one or two of the key things that stuck out to you. It is important to consider the author’s original meaning of the text. Ask yourself these questions and write down your thoughts: What is going on in the scripture passage? Who is writing and who is he writing to? When was the author writing? What are the circumstances that the author is addressing? Does the writer mention anything that might indicate his purpose or intent? How do you think the author wants his audience to respond? Next, is APPLY.

Meditate on what God is saying to you and how it affects your life. It’s easy to skip application because a lot of times we think the interpretation or information is the goal. So ask yourself these questions about your key verses: Is there a truth to believe?

Sin to repent?

Promise to claim?

Command to follow? What are things that need to change in light of this text? How will I live differently and be different because of what I just read? And then we PRAY and repent.

Pray through the passage and your application, asking God to change your heart and to change your life, based on what you’ve just read.

~With Love and Encouragement to you,

Monica Hemming

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