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  • Writer's pictureMonica Hemming

What's your Word?

Are you ready to make changes in 2020?

Get your WORD!

Here we are Wrapping up 2019!

For some this has been a year that you may have seen some momentum in your goals, maybe you experienced fresh air circulating in areas of your life that had been stale with discouragement and fear. Or maybe you find yourself ending 2019 with a deep longing within your soul for CHANGE and Possibilities. I love how the idea of choosing a Word of the Year can bring excitement and anticipation.

Don’t misunderstand me this is NOT just another New Year’s Resolution but this WORD becomes much more than a GOAL.

It becomes the THEME!

I am a true advocate of jotting all New Year’s Resolutions down on paper, because it helps bring focus and clarity to what we want to create in our lives.

The fact is every year, many ladies from all ages, walks of life, and cultural backgrounds will spend some time in December planning for January and the year to come.

We create goals, vision boards, and resolutions that often times fall by the way side within the first few weeks of the new month.

Statistics show only 8% of people actually accomplish their goals for the year. That statistic makes me sad. Because I know I am in that pool of people. Not all my goals have vanished but many have. The truth is I still have New Year Resolutions that are almost a decade old and remain “unfinished.”

Years ago, my very dear friend shared with me an end of the year habit she had cultivated.

At first this habit of choosing just one single word versus creating a list of resolutions seemed so simple…almost too simple.

You see, many times, I believe that ALL answers must be complex and I grow very suspicious when I learn of simple strategies. She clearly explained that in her opinion resolutions are typically only outward-focused.

Truth is we need to consider both areas, the inward and the outward. Is it possible to have just one-word capture that?

I believe so!

In fact, recently I found a wonderful questionnaire that helped to bring single WORDS to my attention. This is NOT a one size fits all. But this is a tool to help you begin the process.

Choosing a word of the year provides an opportunity to reframe your perspective and develop true heart change that has the potential to impact everyone you encounter.

For example, if your word of the year is forgiveness, you will be more likely to forgive others.

Maybe your word for the year is grace, you will be more likely to be reminded of the grace that God so lavished upon you, and therefore, impact your verbal choices and actions towards others.

Your word of the year should be the filter for every interaction. Coincidentally, your word of the year should also empower you to complete your goals.

In Matthew 12:35-37 Jesus says,

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.

36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.

37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Here are a few easy steps to help guide you in choosing your 2020 word of the year.

Many agree that the best way to choose a word is to take the time to reflect. Take the time to look at this past year. Reflection for me is another place to pray and ask the Lord to help you to see these areas in your life. It may help you to go through your photos from this past year to recall the places and the people you have done life with. Start asking yourself the following questions:

1. What could I use more of in my life?

2. What could I use less of in my life?

3. What characteristics would I like to have?

4. What are the Spiritual Gifts God has given me?

5. By the end of the day, I feel (fill in the blank).

6. How do I want to feel?

7. What areas of emotion do I struggle most in?

Once you review your responses, you’ll have a better sense of the direction you’d like to go, or what you feel may be lacking in your life.

Now Create a List

Spend 10 minutes creating a list of the words that come to mind, no self-editing!

Need some help? Click on the LINK from Day Spring.

Now Review & Refine

Review your list and narrow down your favorites.

I’d circle or highlight 3 words. It helps to share your top 3 words with a very close friend and get their opinion on your top 3.

Merry Christmas to you

And I pray that you Find Hope and Encouragement

God is Good

And He is faithful

His word is true

And He is our Redeemer

With Love,

Monica Hemming

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